Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Harvey Nichols Second Floor Restaurant.

The lift door opens and the first thing you see is a very cramped looking eating area full of people with balloons and drunken looks on their faces. This horrific scene is what one experiences when arriving at Harvey Nichols Second Floor Restaurant. And yet, the horror does not last for long as this area is, apparently, not the restaurant but a holding pen for plebians to enjoy their last meal before they are sent to the gallows. Needless to say you will be whisked past them.
So, the restaurant has just enough light by which you can see your food. There is a great view out of the window of Exchange Square complete with big wheel and giant TV screen. Needless to say if you are bored with your date (and if you are, remind yourself that they can afford this restaurant and are, therefore, worth something) you can always watch a 24 hour rolling news channel.
Anyway, after you have been seated you will be approached by a trolley, the contents of which are stuffed, to the hilt, with champagne and other drink making materials.
"Champagne cocktail before your meal?" you'll be asked.
"Yes," you'll reply. NO! You're answer should have been no. For after you have received your cocktail, you'll be presented with a 30 page wine list inside of which you'll find your drink complete with a rather hefty price tag. Whilst you're getting over this shock, you can induce another one by looking at the rest of the list to see if you can find a reasonably priced bottle of wine. You can, but it takes some effort.
So, having emptied your wallet, or purse, before you've even seen the menu, you can sit back and fully relax in the knowledge that you won't be able to eat out for at least another year.
The menu is not extensive and, as you might expect, is full of pompous sounding names. One has to search for the familiar: beef, cheese, nuts etc.
Hmmm, I'll have the beef for starter and the venison for main course. All very nice food. Very, very good indeed. The main course was delicious and much better than the starter which, considering the price tag, could have tasted of something. My girlfriend's two courses, however, were a delight, and they were the vegetarian options. Note well rich vegetarians, this might be the place for you.
After you have finished your main course, you'll be asked if you want more food. So far the night has gone like this: Expensive food; less food on plate; emptier stomach; yes I'd like more food please; I'll have the cheese.
The cheeseboard is full of english cheeses of the highest quality and are worth savouring. Still, after these, I bet you'll still have space in the stomach. If you're thinking about going for dessert, remind yourself that it is going to cost a lot. You've already had to remortgage the house to have the cheese course. And beware the service. It's so good they can convince you to have anything. My advice - get the bill; gasp; pay; and run.
Summing up then. Great food, hefty prices, good views.

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