Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Carlos Tevez is a Fucking Idiot

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Carlos Tevez is a fucking idiot.  First, he leaves United for some substandard team across town; then he confirms his stupidity by claiming Manchester has nothing to offer. Let’s take a look at Carloz Tevez’s home town.  He’s from Ciudadela, Buenos Aires.  In this small town there are two Jewish cemetaries and a shopping street.  That’s a bit shit isn’t it Carlos?  But let’s be fair.  We should look at Buenos Aires (BA) and compare it to Manchester.
In BA you can learn about Eva Peron, learn how to tango, watch football matches, visit museums, visit Shopping centres, go to the theatre, eat and drink in top restaurants and cafes.
In Manchester one can learn about Eva Peron by watching the shit Madonna movie; One can learn how to Tango; One can watch Man Utd; One can visit the Manchester Museum, the Museum of Science and Industry, the People’s History Museum, Urbis, the Imperial War museum, The Lowry, or the Whitworth Art Gallery; One can shop at The Arndale Centre or The Trafford Centre; One can watch a play at The Royal Exchange, Opera House, or Palace Theatre; Or one can eat and drink in many top restaurants and cafes.
In short Manchester offers many of the same attractions as Buenos Aires; or, even shorter, Manchester has many things to offer.

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